
Even the smallest contribution can have a big impact on a child’s future.

At CoreStart Education Foundation, your donations directly fuel our mission through four key areas of support:

  • Providing Scholarships: Your contribution can open the doors of education for a child who otherwise couldn’t afford it. By covering tuition fees, your donation ensures that a child has access to a quality education, setting them on a path to a brighter future.
  • Supplying School Materials: Even the most basic school supplies can make a world of difference. With your support, we provide children with essential items like notebooks, pencils, uniforms, and backpacks. These tools not only allow them to participate fully in their education but also boost their confidence and readiness to learn.
  • Creating Safe Learning Environments: Safety and comfort are crucial for effective learning. Your donations help us improve school facilities, from renovating classrooms to installing proper sanitation systems. By creating secure and welcoming environments, you help children focus on their studies without fear or distraction.
  • Supporting Mentorship Programs: Education is about more than just academics; it’s about nurturing a child’s overall development. Your support allows us to connect children with mentors who guide them, offer encouragement, and help them set and achieve their goals. This personalized support is often the key to unlocking a child’s full potential.

Right now, over 750 children are in need of sponsorship. Your donation can change the course of their lives. You can also view the full list of students awaiting support by clicking here.